Entry #13 - Using Blogging to Meet the Student Learning Outcomes
When reflecting on all that I have learned in this course, I do believe that keeping a blog this semester has allowed me to meet the Student Learning Outcomes. When writing my blog entries, I often discussed my thinking at the moment and thus, demonstrated my inner-questioning. Throughout my blogs, I used a very personal voice as I reflected on the ways this course has encouraged me to reconsider my own instructional practice; in other words, how I plan to incorporate the writing process in my future classroom. Since my blogs were all about my own learning, I wrote informally as my audience was primarily Dr. Jones and my classmates ( Learning Outcome 2 ). Also, as I briefly mentioned above, I thoughtfully and purposefully posed questions, demonstrating my thinking in the moment - many of my blogs conveyed that I did not have a "right" answer but rather, I was demonstrating Muhammads (2020) concept of criticality as I carefully analyzed and questioned the information I was le...